Read: Scientists stay away due to lack of research facilities
There they go again! Our Malaysian government; promising this and that, pleading, begging renowned scientists to come here to further their research... and WTF for?! Giving blank promises... our country is not even ready, we haven't had world-standard facilities to support these scientists, and yet we invite them to Malaysia to conduct their researches? What a load of Malaysian crap again!
Same thing goes for other professionals, ex-Malaysians or Malaysians overseas being promised this and that by the government, for them to come back and help our nation... Help our Nation?! The Malaysian government wants help, but they themselves do not want to help themselves! Em big guns are really useful... yeaps, they are good in giving empty promises, rallying support for their own gain and pointing fingers at others but themselves, preying on each other in the government... hmmms... that's pretty much some of the crap happening in Malaysia.
Stop pretending that everything is ok! Stop telling people that yes, this and that is being looked into... when in a 2-3 months time the issues fade into thin air as it often does! Stop asking/pleading Malaysians who've left Malaysia, to come back and help our nation when we can't even help our sorry selves! Stop making Malaysia look like SHIT!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
State Religious Department = Thugs, Samseng, Gangsta!
Read: Couple want answer from minister
Another case of religious FREAKS, disguised as officers of the State Religious Department! Sick imbeciles, incompetent and poorly educated arse holes! Yes, that's who they are! Do we even need a religious department to go around knocking on private homes and hotel rooms demanding to see wedding certificates in an attempt to rid khalwat?! Do we as adults in a modern world need such childish, mindless acts?! This is definitely an invasion of anyone's privacy... Maybe they are in need of cheap thrills... Not satisfied enough by their partners the night before??? What a load of Malaysian CRAP!!!!!
Another case of religious FREAKS, disguised as officers of the State Religious Department! Sick imbeciles, incompetent and poorly educated arse holes! Yes, that's who they are! Do we even need a religious department to go around knocking on private homes and hotel rooms demanding to see wedding certificates in an attempt to rid khalwat?! Do we as adults in a modern world need such childish, mindless acts?! This is definitely an invasion of anyone's privacy... Maybe they are in need of cheap thrills... Not satisfied enough by their partners the night before??? What a load of Malaysian CRAP!!!!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Government's loosing it?!

What do you think??? It's just one of those many moments when the Malaysian government's red emergency light begins flickering out of control! Damage control! Damage control!
Just tell them what they want to know. Then do 'whatever' is needed to put the situation in control! YES... ANYTHING! and I repeat ANYTHING! WHATEVER IT IS!
Some of the top people in the government are acting... like I said before, like KIDS! What a shame! What confidence it brings to the younger generation, huh?! 'em government clowns are pointing fingers at people in the same circle. How united we are... How typically Malaysians we are!
Conclusion: Our Government is definitely feeling the pinch and about to loose it????! I wished! This will all be over in a span of a few days, when the MEDIA were to 'comply' to higher power and influences to STOP reporting!
MARK MY WORDS! and in the end, the 'CLOWNS' win! YAY! Boohoo to us...
My question is: How long can we remain fooled??? Huh?!
Monday, October 16, 2006
PM says, Chinese in Malaysia are better off than Malays???
"Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on CNN Talk AsiaThis country that we love belongs to all of us..."
"Chinese in Malaysia are better off than Malays. And they are successful because there are opportunities for them to do well in the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi."
"When the interviewer pointed out that Lee had suggested the Chinese were marginalised because they were successful, Abdullah replied: "No, they are successful because we give them opportunities."We allow their children to go to Chinese schools, vocational schools, to learn Mandarin. And they practise their culture. "
This is what read on the headings of an article from Read it HERE.
Yes, indeed Malaysia is supposedly to belong to everyone. But is it entirely correct to say that the Chinese are given ample opportunities to be able to be successful???!
For goodness sake... I guess our PM is just trying so hard to look 'fair', but WTH! I'll tell you why Chinese/non-bumiputeras HAVE TO be successful and how, in the real world, they get successful most of the times! Here's one of the many actual reasons!
Chinese/Non-bumiputeras have a better chance getting into private universities or colleges than local universities! There is a freakin quota!
This forces the non-bumiputeras to seek education overseas! Middle-classed families have to fork out thousands and thousands of DOLLARS just to get their children through their studies; forcing these families to sweat it out at work and their businesses; to be SUCCESSFUL. WHY? Because it is not a choice, it's a do or die mission! It is not like their children could initially get into local universities in Malaysia! You must be kidding to say that the government does offer 'help' in these kind of situations.
Then comes the second part of the story: Chinese/non-bumiputera who study overseas spent so much money, and most of them end up working overseas; in countries like Australia, UK, US etc. And what makes you think they'd want to come back to Malaysia, apart for holidays to visit their parents?! Malaysia initially offered them 'shit'!
They take their trades and much needed skills elsewhere! They are a lot of Malaysians/ex-Malaysians suceeding NOT in Malaysia! A study should be made to get a figure. Look at people like Michelle Yeoh, or Jimmy Choo... to name just a few. Where did they get famous?! In MALAYSIA?! Bull!
AND NOW, the government is 'begging' that these successful 'Malaysians' come back to Malaysia to help build the nation. The nation that in the first place gave little to help them in the first place! What opportunists! Makes me sick!
And for Chinese/non-bumiputeras who cannot afford the thousands to go overseas, they are left to 'rot' in Malaysia. Yes! Indeed, we get A LOT of help from the government! Haha! Malaysia boleh! Yes, we can... we can tell half truths to the people and the world, so long as 'our' special interests are upheld... FOREVER!
"Chinese in Malaysia are better off than Malays. And they are successful because there are opportunities for them to do well in the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi."
"When the interviewer pointed out that Lee had suggested the Chinese were marginalised because they were successful, Abdullah replied: "No, they are successful because we give them opportunities."We allow their children to go to Chinese schools, vocational schools, to learn Mandarin. And they practise their culture. "
This is what read on the headings of an article from Read it HERE.
Yes, indeed Malaysia is supposedly to belong to everyone. But is it entirely correct to say that the Chinese are given ample opportunities to be able to be successful???!
For goodness sake... I guess our PM is just trying so hard to look 'fair', but WTH! I'll tell you why Chinese/non-bumiputeras HAVE TO be successful and how, in the real world, they get successful most of the times! Here's one of the many actual reasons!
Chinese/Non-bumiputeras have a better chance getting into private universities or colleges than local universities! There is a freakin quota!
This forces the non-bumiputeras to seek education overseas! Middle-classed families have to fork out thousands and thousands of DOLLARS just to get their children through their studies; forcing these families to sweat it out at work and their businesses; to be SUCCESSFUL. WHY? Because it is not a choice, it's a do or die mission! It is not like their children could initially get into local universities in Malaysia! You must be kidding to say that the government does offer 'help' in these kind of situations.
Then comes the second part of the story: Chinese/non-bumiputera who study overseas spent so much money, and most of them end up working overseas; in countries like Australia, UK, US etc. And what makes you think they'd want to come back to Malaysia, apart for holidays to visit their parents?! Malaysia initially offered them 'shit'!
They take their trades and much needed skills elsewhere! They are a lot of Malaysians/ex-Malaysians suceeding NOT in Malaysia! A study should be made to get a figure. Look at people like Michelle Yeoh, or Jimmy Choo... to name just a few. Where did they get famous?! In MALAYSIA?! Bull!
AND NOW, the government is 'begging' that these successful 'Malaysians' come back to Malaysia to help build the nation. The nation that in the first place gave little to help them in the first place! What opportunists! Makes me sick!
And for Chinese/non-bumiputeras who cannot afford the thousands to go overseas, they are left to 'rot' in Malaysia. Yes! Indeed, we get A LOT of help from the government! Haha! Malaysia boleh! Yes, we can... we can tell half truths to the people and the world, so long as 'our' special interests are upheld... FOREVER!
Friday, October 13, 2006
TRUE colours of the MALAYSIAN government reflected!

“We hope this will be accepted and not disputed by anyone,” the Deputy Prime Minister said yesterday.
"Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hopes that there will be no more dispute over the figures"
...given that, do you honestly think that we have 2 capable leaders in Malaysia?! The Prime Minister himself and his deputy himself acted in a way that does not reflect a transparent government, let alone a nation wanting to achieve a ONE MALAYSIAN NATION! So to 'hell' with 'em goons! It's time to ACT OUT or pack yer bags and leave this ill and foresaken nation!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Enough is enough! Is the Malaysian government really that insecure?
The director of ASLI, has had enough of this whole big Malaysian 'play'.
*Read this article here
Yes, it's all a game... a game of protecting one's interest no matter what the cause! I'm personally fed up and am loosing hope in Malaysia as a country. This whole talk of our government has been around for so long; most apparant in coffee shops, that it makes me sick! Yes, sick to the guts!
The study says that bumiputra equity ownership could be as high as 45% and not 18.0% as stated by our government. So what's so bad about that?! Is our government freaking made out of clowns?! Doesn't the study reflect the positive in the New Economic Policy (To help bumiputras to a 30% equity ownership)? Someone says that the government is doing a good job, and yet is shot by the Prime Minister himself?! Our PM brushed the study aside by saying that it was 'baseless', 'innacurate' and 'irresponsible'. WTH!
What is the government trying to pull here?! Our 'beloved' Prime Minister shoots down a legitimate study made by a reputable INDEPENDENT body because of the 'wrong' methodology being applied?! Ok, let's say it was wrong, so what's the methodology that's used by our supposedly more SUPERIOR Economic Planning Unit??? Be freakin transparent!
If you do realise and follow Malaysian politics ever since our new Prime Minister took over from Tan Sri Dr Mahathir, it's almost like a trend whereby 'someone' has to highlight or criticize the government so bad AND ONLY THEN the government does damage control by being 'transparent'... so it says.
This is absolutely absurd, 'bull', horrendous that it makes me laugh! Yes, laugh! Afterall, if one were to be caught saying too much, one can expect to be somewhat SILENCED. Only time will tell when those talks of racial fairness will time and time again resurface. It'll come to a point whereby it'll be too much for our government to handle! All those talk in coffee shops... It's everywhere, but yet unheard of by our government.
Until our Prime Minister were to walk the walk and talk the talk, I'd just be laughin at their incompetence, AND as 'respected' Malaysian clowns, they reflect how bad a laughing stock we could be in the eyes of the world... that is if the world is even interested in Malaysian childish play!
*Read this article here
Yes, it's all a game... a game of protecting one's interest no matter what the cause! I'm personally fed up and am loosing hope in Malaysia as a country. This whole talk of our government has been around for so long; most apparant in coffee shops, that it makes me sick! Yes, sick to the guts!
The study says that bumiputra equity ownership could be as high as 45% and not 18.0% as stated by our government. So what's so bad about that?! Is our government freaking made out of clowns?! Doesn't the study reflect the positive in the New Economic Policy (To help bumiputras to a 30% equity ownership)? Someone says that the government is doing a good job, and yet is shot by the Prime Minister himself?! Our PM brushed the study aside by saying that it was 'baseless', 'innacurate' and 'irresponsible'. WTH!
What is the government trying to pull here?! Our 'beloved' Prime Minister shoots down a legitimate study made by a reputable INDEPENDENT body because of the 'wrong' methodology being applied?! Ok, let's say it was wrong, so what's the methodology that's used by our supposedly more SUPERIOR Economic Planning Unit??? Be freakin transparent!
If you do realise and follow Malaysian politics ever since our new Prime Minister took over from Tan Sri Dr Mahathir, it's almost like a trend whereby 'someone' has to highlight or criticize the government so bad AND ONLY THEN the government does damage control by being 'transparent'... so it says.
This is absolutely absurd, 'bull', horrendous that it makes me laugh! Yes, laugh! Afterall, if one were to be caught saying too much, one can expect to be somewhat SILENCED. Only time will tell when those talks of racial fairness will time and time again resurface. It'll come to a point whereby it'll be too much for our government to handle! All those talk in coffee shops... It's everywhere, but yet unheard of by our government.
Until our Prime Minister were to walk the walk and talk the talk, I'd just be laughin at their incompetence, AND as 'respected' Malaysian clowns, they reflect how bad a laughing stock we could be in the eyes of the world... that is if the world is even interested in Malaysian childish play!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Bumiputeras Lagging???...........

Funny thing. Why are they lagging? Why are they still lagging after so many years of government subsidies, allocations, priorities etc...? In fact, the government has even extended the period for giving priority and special privilages to bumiputeras; it was supposed to cease by the 90s.
Quote from the late MGGPilai
"NATIONAL UNITY IS NOT possible in Malaysia so long as there is the New Economic Policy, which in practice is for one race, the Malays, only. And the NEP is not for 20 years, as when initiated in 1970, but extended for ever when it was renewed in 1990................. "
*View the full article by MGGPilai here
I really wonder how is it that for more than 30 years of endless help, the bumiputeras are still behind? The malays are still behind? I really wonder... Do you???
One thing is for sure, if the reason is that the Malaysian government does not give a damn or does not provide enough support, I'd say go peelar! Help and support is everywhere! Look around you, or are you bloody blind???!
Another funny thing is when people get all worked up and highly sensitive as if to show their massive feelings of insecurity everytime these special rights are brought up and occasionally challenged. It's like little kids fighting; one being overly sensitive and the other trying to get fairness. BTW, is anything ever fair in this world???
I really wonder... Do you? Hmmms... ~sigh~
Thursday, October 05, 2006
On a lighter note, "Dalam Nota Ringan"
We should all be seeing 'ridiculous' phrases like hmmms...
- Misi Tak Mungkin Versi Empat
- Jamal Bond
- Siaran Langsung - Mankester Bersekutu Lawan Hatikolam (Liverpool)
- Hatikolam Lawan Chelaut (Chel SEA)
I wonder what if DBP were to translate the movie, Moby Dick??? LOL@!
I sure hope that it won't be Mobi Pelir! Whawhawhawhawha! LOL@!
Seriously guys, that's what our ALL-so-PANDAI minister, Rais is trying to do. Having DBP as our 'National Language Police' WTH! Oh sorry, Apa Itu Potong! AIP!
Read the article here
I'm back!

Thanx everyone, those who have helped me through yet another dark point in my life. Love ya all! Thanx to Ms R as well; my heart goes out to her... Love her to bits! AMEN to dat!
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