A lot! Just let me walk you through their 'incompetence':
1. Mr H: "The Umno Youth chief said Malaysia could not be moulded by the narrow-mindedness, chauvinism and extremism of those who play the racial card in order to emerge as champions of their race."
Question: Isn't Mr H doing just about the same thing by criticizing and constantly highlighting those 'culprits' as he calls them?????! So what makes him any different?!
2. Mr H: " He warned the Article 11 group to steer clear of Article 11 and Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution and not to question the rights of Malays and the position of Islam, as this could stir up Malay and Muslim emotions. "
Question: Dictatorship style of leadership within the Government?! Basically, don't question! Just follow the leader and please remain dumb...! Plus Malays and Muslims as Mr H puts it are so bloody INFERIOR of their own race and religion that any slight question about their rights would cause the 3rd World War! How pathetic... that's according to Mr H's statement.
3. Mr H: "Hishammuddin also said the Malay Agenda spelt out under the Ninth Malaysia Plan was a national mission and not a zero-sum game which would only benefit the Malays and cause the non-Malays to lose out."
“The non-Malays should be brave enough to admit that they have benefited either directly or indirectly through many projects carried out during the duration of the National Economic Policy,” he said.
Question: What facts does he have to support his 'brilliant' claim to non-Malays benefitting A LOT from the National Economic Policy, which has Malays as its focus?! Another example where it's not actually bumiputeras, but MALAYs... I don't see any mention of bumiputeras here, do you?! Could one say that when they meant bumiputeras, it's actually Malays... oooops forgot the rest of the bumiputera groups... or hmmms, maybe Malays first then them la!
4. Mr H: " He also labeled as absurd the controversial Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute report, which claimed that Malay corporate equity could have reached 45%. "
Question: Why is he so quick to brush it off?! As if afraid of something??? Who is he to say that, as there have been reports of 2 government spokes person giving contradicting methodologies and figures on the Malay corporate equity?! And by the way, do you notice the obvious focus on MALAY corporate equity??? When isn't it supposed to be the BUMIPUTERA equity?! Bumiputera which consists of Malays, ibans, kadazans, Bajaus etc???
5. Mr H:
In an obvious reference to Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Hishammuddin said Umno Youth was really angry over his baseless remarks on Malaysia and its policies.
“The irresponsible comments discrediting our policies are actually made to cover up their own weaknesses,” he said.
He cited a report in an issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review last month which stated that there was blatant discrimination against the non-Chinese in Singapore, even in the field of education. According to the article, he said, from 1966 to 2005 only 14 or 6.2% of the recipients of the President's Scholarship were non-Chinese.
“It is clear that the discrimination he claims exists in this country is much more serious in his country.
Question: Who is he to base his remarks on the Singapore former PM on a report like that?! Baseless! But when other people do the same thing, they get bombed all over from parties like the UMNO Youth! Youth without brains??? Could power be getting to their heads that they just revert back to an uneducated state of mind?!
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