The spirit gieves! WHY? Coz it's another splash of citizens' tax money. With all respect, all these ideas are good, but poor execution over the past years are unavoidable. It seems like a trend amongst new ministers in the Sports ministry. Look at the Bukit Jalil sports center. It was given high hopes; that it'll one day produce world-class athletes. But until today, it's only produced a handful. Was it worth the millions spent on it?! Building a new facility in London?! What's the true logic behind it all? It's not only that we'll have to spend more money flying athletes to and from London, but the cost of maintaining it in a high-cost city.
Look at countries like Trinidad and Tobago or Togo. Why are such almost 'little-heard' countries doing so much better than Malaysia? Even though I'd say compared to them we might have better facilities or if not on par. RM490 Million just for building the facility and I'd say a few hundred more million to keep the place running and coaches and all; is this the best that the ministry can come up with; with the high expectations of sports schools like Bukit Jalil sports facility and many others around Malaysia? We have to look at the mentality and go to the grass roots of the problem. If the cake is not good, if the flour used is bad, change it. Don't go put layers of icing/dressing on the cake in hoping that it'll taste good.
Whats the purpose of having a facility oversea?
Perhaps with training somewhere different, a diff climate, diff enviroment makes them a better sportsmen?
Why it needs to be in London? Why not Thailand? India? Africa?
Extreme weather makes a better sportsmen definitely,
Or its just a vacation facility for all the officialas and datuk datuk?
Earl-ku> I can't help but close an eye. In the end, the results will show, but sad to say all these multi million projects have really gone to waste! By the time this happens, it's already too late! So Malaysia 'boleh'!
I'm impressed. NST's finally become a tabloid! LOL
NST rocks! They are kinda like a thicker version of The Malay Mail. My opinion, much cooler than Star. There's more freedom in NST than Star, from what I read. Star seems to be 'controlled'... if you know what I mean ;)
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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