That's it! Enough is enough! It seems crime doesn't pay! How many cases reported in newspapers get solved? Just the other day there was a report stating that a narcotics policeman gets averagely 10 new cases a DAY! 10 cases a day! And if anyone thought that being in the police force is as cool and sophisticated as CSI, you'd be kidding your freaking self! Just watch CSI and think for yourself... how long it takes for them to bust just one case! In Malaysia, we have at average 10 drug-related cases to a man! That's only drugs... what about SNATCH THIEF of KILLINGS or ROBBERY?! Do the maths and you should be damn frightened for your safety by then!
With all these happening, we still have to waste police efforts in busting petty offences?! Like having night raids in clubs that involves a whole 'battalion' of policemen?! or minding close proximity offences?! All those don't usually involve loss of lives... what about those increasing killings?! Increasing snatch thief cases that ends in death?! Snatch thieves carrying blades?! Are you freakin kidding me??? Still don't believe me? Just read just some of these cases I've retrieved from just a local Malaysian newspaper. Mind you, these are cases that are reported and made available to the media. God knows how HIGH the actual figure is!!!!
It's FREE FOR ALL massacre in Malaysia!
...worse thing is, the authorities and people above us are minding cases involving mindless acts like the recent new city celebrations that originally required up 7.5 million of the tax payers' money!... then there's the sports facility in London requiring millions! Why allocate so much to not-so-important activities when we're neglecting our own safety?! PAK LAH - allocate more to the police force! Get rid of 'em creeps in the force! Pay them higher salaries, so we don't have to hear cases about receiving bribery etc! But... NO! NO!... it's those silly, mindless and totally absurd cases that take the bulk of the TAX payers' money! That's Malaysia! MALAYSIA BOLIH!
Well, I suppose it's more fun to round up and gawk at all the scantily-clad pretty young things at the nightclub raids.
But seriously, it is very frustrating when the government throws money carelessly to put up a good show for the international community but counts every last penny when it comes to fixing the real internal problems. Isn't it obvious who the government cares more about?
The pitfalls of a developing nation?
My family personally witnessed two incident in one week of snatch thiefs on motorbike who hit their victims in the same location near Pearl Point International Hotel, just about 100m-150m from the Puchong Police station.
We now do not even dare to venture out at night in our own neigbourhood and if we have someone who has to stay out late, at least a few other family member has to stay up to make sure nothing happens when we get out of our cars.
I's day, pick up your arms and arm yourself coz we cannot depend on those freakin cops! Just take a look at some of them... big, pot bellies! How do you expect them to run after the snatch thiefs? I bet we're able to outrun them anytime! Personally, I'd carry a sledgehammer or a baseball bat in my car in case! ;)
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