This guy ought to be banished far away to places like Afghanistan or certain parts of Pakistan. He belongs there! Since when do we need Ke Po Chi (Hokkien for busy-body) people like him to raom around catching and summoning couples who hug, kiss or hold hands?! This is sickening! It's so stupid and freakin childish that no amount of words can describe this GILA (Malay term for crazy beyond repair) enforcement officer!
I think he's just a bad by-product of society! Probably this guy's failing to get attention from his wife that he's just freakin jealous when he sees couples showing affections! And for goddess sake! Have you ever wondered why he was there SPYING on couples in the 1st place? Trying to satisfy his sexual lusts?! I can't believe there are people like this in the enforcement unit!
For crying out loud! There are better things and more useful things to do like making sure of the safety of shoppers or visitors to our country. If this CLOWN were to use his 'superb' spying skills to prey on pick pockets we'd have fewer pick pockets in the city... KLCC for that matter! So many things to say, and the more I add, the more I feel like kicking this LAME, PERVERT in his nuts!!!!
i think it depends on what kinda kissing. us malays do kiss in public during salam (cium tangan dan pipi).
Well said... so there are many different interpretations and we certainly don't need some freak to interprate it his way and arrest us for not following his personal standards! If that's the case, we should ban almost all P.Ramlee movies, coz they have touching, hugging and all...
another sign of authority stepping over the border
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