Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hishamuddin and his 'brainless' kontos!

I'm bloody frustrated! I was reading what mr H and his 2nd man mr K had to say in the recently held UMNO General Assembly. Both obviously just wanted to have publicity... from what I gather. So what's the buzz with these two people?????

A lot! Just let me walk you through their 'incompetence':

1. Mr H: "The Umno Youth chief said Malaysia could not be moulded by the narrow-mindedness, chauvinism and extremism of those who play the racial card in order to emerge as champions of their race."

Question: Isn't Mr H doing just about the same thing by criticizing and constantly highlighting those 'culprits' as he calls them?????! So what makes him any different?!
2. Mr H: "
He warned the Article 11 group to steer clear of Article 11 and Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution and not to question the rights of Malays and the position of Islam, as this could stir up Malay and Muslim emotions. "

Question: Dictatorship style of leadership within the Government?! Basically, don't question! Just follow the leader and please remain dumb...! Plus Malays and Muslims as Mr H puts it are so bloody INFERIOR of their own race and religion that any slight question about their rights would cause the 3rd World War! How pathetic... that's according to Mr H's statement.
3. Mr H: "
Hishammuddin also said the Malay Agenda spelt out under the Ninth Malaysia Plan was a national mission and not a zero-sum game which would only benefit the Malays and cause the non-Malays to lose out."
“The non-Malays should be brave enough to admit that they have benefited either directly or indirectly through many projects carried out during the duration of the National Economic Policy,” he said.

Question: What facts does he have to support his 'brilliant' claim to non-Malays benefitting A LOT from the National Economic Policy, which has Malays as its focus?! Another example where it's not actually bumiputeras, but MALAYs... I don't see any mention of bumiputeras here, do you?! Could one say that when they meant bumiputeras, it's actually Malays... oooops forgot the rest of the bumiputera groups... or hmmms, maybe Malays first then them la!

4. Mr H: " He also labeled as absurd the controversial Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute report, which claimed that Malay corporate equity could have reached 45%. "

Question: Why is he so quick to brush it off?! As if afraid of something??? Who is he to say that, as there have been reports of 2 government spokes person giving contradicting methodologies and figures on the Malay corporate equity?! And by the way, do you notice the obvious focus on MALAY corporate equity??? When isn't it supposed to be the BUMIPUTERA equity?! Bumiputera which consists of Malays, ibans, kadazans, Bajaus etc???

5. Mr H:

In an obvious reference to Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Hishammuddin said Umno Youth was really angry over his baseless remarks on Malaysia and its policies.

“The irresponsible comments discrediting our policies are actually made to cover up their own weaknesses,” he said.

He cited a report in an issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review last month which stated that there was blatant discrimination against the non-Chinese in Singapore, even in the field of education. According to the article, he said, from 1966 to 2005 only 14 or 6.2% of the recipients of the President's Scholarship were non-Chinese.

“It is clear that the discrimination he claims exists in this country is much more serious in his country.

Question: Who is he to base his remarks on the Singapore former PM on a report like that?! Baseless! But when other people do the same thing, they get bombed all over from parties like the UMNO Youth! Youth without brains??? Could power be getting to their heads that they just revert back to an uneducated state of mind?!


Held 'captive' in our own country?!

Yes! That's how it is. At least that's how it seems like it...
The recently completed UMNO general assembly has basically painted the real picture of our so-called masters in Malaysia. What's been said is just a shortfall of how a 'communist', 'dictator-style' country is run.

Take all these for example... as said by UMNO leaders!
  • Do Not ever challenge the Malay rights as it is in the constitution
  • Do Not ever challenge the Islam religion
  • The Inter Faith Commission is a threat to the whole of the Malaysian nation
  • Khairy d' 2nd man in UMNO Youth chides anti-NEP Malays
  • Raise bumi corporate equity to 60%

They always mention about bumiputera rights, but if you were to notice how it's being said, how many times bumiputera is brought up as opposed to the word MALAY??? To me, it's more of a way of covering the truth. For me, it's more of the Malays than the other indigenous tribes like the Ibans, orang asli, bidayuhs, kadazans etc. How many times do we even hear of these group of people being mentioned as in the plan??? It's always the Malays, the Malay rights etc. What is all these crap?! UMNO trying to shield and protect the Malays so much as if they were all so weak... a weak race?! So draw your own conclusions coz that's what's being said!

Monday, November 06, 2006

'Sir' Dr Khir Toyo says: Our 'leaders' do not know local government by-laws!!!!! SOS!

Behold... this is the Menteri Besar speaking....... what?! Who?! I'd rather shut my freakin ears to save the beloved Menteri Besar from embarassing the whole government!BANTING: Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo admits that many people... and ALSO those in the HIGHER POSITIONS do not know local government by-laws!

That's not all... he pleads for citizens to UNDERSTAND their incompetence, arrogance and ignorance of these local by-laws!! How ridiculous and what an absolute blunder! You mean to say that most of our higher position leaders just do not give a damn to know all there is to know to be leaders in a municipal, for example?! Then what the f*ck are they for; elected as leaders… supposedly there to LEAD us, their ‘stray sheep’… when they themselves are completely oblivious to local laws?

What makes a leader in the first place, Mr all-high-and-mighty, useless Sir Dr Khir Toyo?!!! So you support imbeciles to lead the Malaysian people, to be put in high positions to blindly lead the people?????! What a BIG JOKE! If that’s the case, I’d rather not respect any of these ignorant leaders…

Are you trying to give excuses for you not knowing local government by-laws?! If so, then I’d suggest that you kick your sorry ass out of your own office today! We surely do not need stupid leaders governing local councils, for example!!!!!!

Ghani: Bangsa Malaysia = Threat to Malays?! = Weak race???

There goes our beloved 'spokesperson' of the UMNO government... Yes! Now he's saying the united Malaysian race which was the brain child of our former Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir is a freakin threat to the Malays? The bugger is saying that it threatens the Malaysian constitution of giving Special Rights to the Malays???! What a load of Malaysian SHIT!

Ghani is a dumb right 'racist-in-the-making'! The Malay dude is promoting 'Racial segregation'! In his quest to protect the Malay heritage/priority as 'masters' in Malaysia, he makes it look like the Malays are just weak, not able to stand on their own feet... if it wasn't for the freakin constitution protecting them!

He's giving all sorts of excuses that make his own race look weak... weaker... and the weakest in Malaysia! When is he going to grow up and stand on his own feet?! Is this what the majority of Malays in Malaysia think??? I damn well hope not, or Vision 2020 will always remain a dream, and all these Malaysia Plans would just be like Ghani... a load of Malaysian CRAP designed to protect the benefits of not all, but a select group in! What a load of Ghani CRAP! Read what the MALAY dude sayz HERE.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Scientists RUNNING AWAY from Malaysia! SOS!

Read: Scientists stay away due to lack of research facilities

There they go again! Our Malaysian government; promising this and that, pleading, begging renowned scientists to come here to further their research... and WTF for?! Giving blank promises... our country is not even ready, we haven't had world-standard facilities to support these scientists, and yet we invite them to Malaysia to conduct their researches? What a load of Malaysian crap again!

Same thing goes for other professionals, ex-Malaysians or Malaysians overseas being promised this and that by the government, for them to come back and help our nation... Help our Nation?! The Malaysian government wants help, but they themselves do not want to help themselves! Em big guns are really useful... yeaps, they are good in giving empty promises, rallying support for their own gain and pointing fingers at others but themselves, preying on each other in the government... hmmms... that's pretty much some of the crap happening in Malaysia.

Stop pretending that everything is ok! Stop telling people that yes, this and that is being looked into... when in a 2-3 months time the issues fade into thin air as it often does! Stop asking/pleading Malaysians who've left Malaysia, to come back and help our nation when we can't even help our sorry selves! Stop making Malaysia look like SHIT!

Friday, October 27, 2006

State Religious Department = Thugs, Samseng, Gangsta!

Read: Couple want answer from minister

Another case of religious FREAKS, disguised as officers of the State Religious Department! Sick imbeciles, incompetent and poorly educated arse holes! Yes, that's who they are! Do we even need a religious department to go around knocking on private homes and hotel rooms demanding to see wedding certificates in an attempt to rid khalwat?! Do we as adults in a modern world need such childish, mindless acts?! This is definitely an invasion of anyone's privacy... Maybe they are in need of cheap thrills... Not satisfied enough by their partners the night before??? What a load of Malaysian CRAP!!!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Government's loosing it?!

What do you think??? It's just one of those many moments when the Malaysian government's red emergency light begins flickering out of control! Damage control! Damage control!

Just tell them what they want to know. Then do 'whatever' is needed to put the situation in control! YES... ANYTHING! and I repeat ANYTHING! WHATEVER IT IS!

Some of the top people in the government are acting... like I said before, like KIDS! What a shame! What confidence it brings to the younger generation, huh?! 'em government clowns are pointing fingers at people in the same circle. How united we are... How typically Malaysians we are!




Conclusion: Our Government is definitely feeling the pinch and about to loose it????! I wished! This will all be over in a span of a few days, when the MEDIA were to 'comply' to higher power and influences to STOP reporting!

MARK MY WORDS! and in the end, the 'CLOWNS' win! YAY! Boohoo to us...

My question is: How long can we remain fooled??? Huh?!

Monday, October 16, 2006

PM says, Chinese in Malaysia are better off than Malays???

"Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on CNN Talk AsiaThis country that we love belongs to all of us..."

"Chinese in Malaysia are better off than Malays. And they are successful because there are opportunities for them to do well in the country, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi."

"When the interviewer pointed out that Lee had suggested the Chinese were marginalised because they were successful, Abdullah replied: "No, they are successful because we give them opportunities."We allow their children to go to Chinese schools, vocational schools, to learn Mandarin. And they practise their culture. "

This is what read on the headings of an article from Read it HERE.

Yes, indeed Malaysia is supposedly to belong to everyone. But is it entirely correct to say that the Chinese are given ample opportunities to be able to be successful???!

For goodness sake... I guess our PM is just trying so hard to look 'fair', but WTH! I'll tell you why Chinese/non-bumiputeras HAVE TO be successful and how, in the real world, they get successful most of the times! Here's one of the many actual reasons!

Chinese/Non-bumiputeras have a better chance getting into private universities or colleges than local universities! There is a freakin quota!

This forces the non-bumiputeras to seek education overseas! Middle-classed families have to fork out thousands and thousands of DOLLARS just to get their children through their studies; forcing these families to sweat it out at work and their businesses; to be SUCCESSFUL. WHY? Because it is not a choice, it's a do or die mission! It is not like their children could initially get into local universities in Malaysia! You must be kidding to say that the government does offer 'help' in these kind of situations.

Then comes the second part of the story: Chinese/non-bumiputera who study overseas spent so much money, and most of them end up working overseas; in countries like Australia, UK, US etc. And what makes you think they'd want to come back to Malaysia, apart for holidays to visit their parents?! Malaysia initially offered them 'shit'!

They take their trades and much needed skills elsewhere! They are a lot of Malaysians/ex-Malaysians suceeding NOT in Malaysia! A study should be made to get a figure. Look at people like Michelle Yeoh, or Jimmy Choo... to name just a few. Where did they get famous?! In MALAYSIA?! Bull!

AND NOW, the government is 'begging' that these successful 'Malaysians' come back to Malaysia to help build the nation. The nation that in the first place gave little to help them in the first place! What opportunists! Makes me sick!

And for Chinese/non-bumiputeras who cannot afford the thousands to go overseas, they are left to 'rot' in Malaysia. Yes! Indeed, we get A LOT of help from the government! Haha! Malaysia boleh! Yes, we can... we can tell half truths to the people and the world, so long as 'our' special interests are upheld... FOREVER!

Friday, October 13, 2006

TRUE colours of the MALAYSIAN government reflected!

...what's that THEY G's said about being more transparent and working for the people?! It's all BULL now! This is what the Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister himself said...

“We hope this will be accepted and not disputed by anyone,” the Deputy Prime Minister said yesterday.

"Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hopes that there will be no more dispute over the figures"

...given that, do you honestly think that we have 2 capable leaders in Malaysia?! The Prime Minister himself and his deputy himself acted in a way that does not reflect a transparent government, let alone a nation wanting to achieve a ONE MALAYSIAN NATION! So to 'hell' with 'em goons! It's time to ACT OUT or pack yer bags and leave this ill and foresaken nation!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Enough is enough! Is the Malaysian government really that insecure?

The director of ASLI, has had enough of this whole big Malaysian 'play'.
*Read this article here

Yes, it's all a game... a game of protecting one's interest no matter what the cause! I'm personally fed up and am loosing hope in Malaysia as a country. This whole talk of our government has been around for so long; most apparant in coffee shops, that it makes me sick! Yes, sick to the guts!

The study says that bumiputra equity ownership could be as high as 45% and not 18.0% as stated by our government. So what's so bad about that?! Is our government freaking made out of clowns?! Doesn't the study reflect the positive in the New Economic Policy (To help bumiputras to a 30% equity ownership)? Someone says that the government is doing a good job, and yet is shot by the Prime Minister himself?! Our PM brushed the study aside by saying that it was 'baseless', 'innacurate' and 'irresponsible'. WTH!

What is the government trying to pull here?! Our 'beloved' Prime Minister shoots down a legitimate study made by a reputable INDEPENDENT body because of the 'wrong' methodology being applied?! Ok, let's say it was wrong, so what's the methodology that's used by our supposedly more SUPERIOR Economic Planning Unit??? Be freakin transparent!

If you do realise and follow Malaysian politics ever since our new Prime Minister took over from Tan Sri Dr Mahathir, it's almost like a trend whereby 'someone' has to highlight or criticize the government so bad AND ONLY THEN the government does damage control by being 'transparent'... so it says.

This is absolutely absurd, 'bull', horrendous that it makes me laugh! Yes, laugh! Afterall, if one were to be caught saying too much, one can expect to be somewhat SILENCED. Only time will tell when those talks of racial fairness will time and time again resurface. It'll come to a point whereby it'll be too much for our government to handle! All those talk in coffee shops... It's everywhere, but yet unheard of by our government.

Until our Prime Minister were to walk the walk and talk the talk, I'd just be laughin at their incompetence, AND as 'respected' Malaysian clowns, they reflect how bad a laughing stock we could be in the eyes of the world... that is if the world is even interested in Malaysian childish play!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bumiputeras Lagging???...........

Funny thing. Why are they lagging? Why are they still lagging after so many years of government subsidies, allocations, priorities etc...? In fact, the government has even extended the period for giving priority and special privilages to bumiputeras; it was supposed to cease by the 90s.

Quote from the late MGGPilai
"NATIONAL UNITY IS NOT possible in Malaysia so long as there is the New Economic Policy, which in practice is for one race, the Malays, only. And the NEP is not for 20 years, as when initiated in 1970, but extended for ever when it was renewed in 1990................. "
*View the full article by MGGPilai here

I really wonder how is it that for more than 30 years of endless help, the bumiputeras are still behind? The malays are still behind? I really wonder... Do you???

One thing is for sure, if the reason is that the Malaysian government does not give a damn or does not provide enough support, I'd say go peelar! Help and support is everywhere! Look around you, or are you bloody blind???!

Another funny thing is when people get all worked up and highly sensitive as if to show their massive feelings of insecurity everytime these special rights are brought up and occasionally challenged. It's like little kids fighting; one being overly sensitive and the other trying to get fairness. BTW, is anything ever fair in this world???

I really wonder... Do you? Hmmms... ~sigh~

Thursday, October 05, 2006

On a lighter note, "Dalam Nota Ringan"

We should all be seeing 'ridiculous' phrases like hmmms...

  • Misi Tak Mungkin Versi Empat
  • Jamal Bond
  • Siaran Langsung - Mankester Bersekutu Lawan Hatikolam (Liverpool)
  • Hatikolam Lawan Chelaut (Chel SEA)


I wonder what if DBP were to translate the movie, Moby Dick??? LOL@!
I sure hope that it won't be Mobi Pelir! Whawhawhawhawha! LOL@!

Seriously guys, that's what our ALL-so-PANDAI minister, Rais is trying to do. Having DBP as our 'National Language Police' WTH! Oh sorry, Apa Itu Potong! AIP!

Read the article here

I'm back!

Yeaps! I'm back... Had my share of therapies! They hurt... The past hurts, but there's always hope and loved ones that love me too much :)

Thanx everyone, those who have helped me through yet another dark point in my life. Love ya all! Thanx to Ms R as well; my heart goes out to her... Love her to bits! AMEN to dat!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Suicidal... It hurts so bad...

I'm hurt... Call it self-pity, call it being selfish. Whatever it may be, I'm at death's end. It's time for me to call it quits, to call it a day! Time was never there for me. Time was never my best friend. Time never did wait for me. I waited and waited, as my fragile mind slipped into the twisted world.

Jump! Jump! Jump! Voices in my head... Was it for real? For once, a feeling of emptiness, a feeling of loosing all control... a feeling of deep sorrow that nothing else matters! Just like the song says... nothing else matters. Do I matteR?! Who am I>?

For once, I felt controlled by some being... for that few seconds, I was dreaming. Jump! Jump! Jump! All I could think of was to just end my life. What else have I done to be proud of? To be loved?! To be understood!

Worthless! Taking people for granted. I could still hear my mind telling me to jump. Slowly dragged my feet to the balcony of the 5th floor. Not high enough? Nevermind, as long as I jump head first. I find good use for all the years of swimming! To finally end my life head first...

I looked below, the feeling of worthlessness eats away every bit of what's left of my sanity. I feel weightlessness and logic slowly fades into eternity as I contemplate jumping. I tried... I really tried... In between tears I just broke down silently, careful not to alert my cousin of my twisted suicidal plan.

I........... wanted to jump! Jump you fool! JUMP! but I just couldn't do it... I bailed out in the last moment... I couldn't bring myself to end my life! I'm still broken and depressed and suicidal... Only time will tell when I'd just be another figure in the statistics! Just another news of a wasted soul! A one time news that's soon forgotten just as I am just a worthless being.

I'm dragging my worthless soul in this dead world where I wish I did not exist... I want to fade into non-existance... Please forget that I ever was born, mummy, pa... I'm not worth your tears. I'm not worth any pity... Stop being there for me. It hurts! It hurts so bad! My past is a joke! My life is nothing but a joke!

I get on a high and I fall flat the next day! This is my life as it is... Please, whoever who reads this. If there's anything I could ask is that I'd be remembered as the person who blogged before he took his life. That's all I ask. I can't say when or how, but suicide is never far from my thoughts... It's very real to me now... I don't and can't be a burden to anyone anymore... My situation is such that I will be a huge burden, and what's best than to leave this world.

I'm suicidal... Time will only tell... I love you all, but my life is not worth your love at all! Till then...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Conviction comes with a price...

I've been suffering for far too long. Who do I blame? Others... 'her'... ill-fate... God sometimes... but not myself. But how can it be when it seems that I'm just a victim of circumstances??? It's hard not to blame myself. It takes humility, selflessness... It takes conviction, deep conviction...

A conviction so deep that I fear has come! A conviction that I am to be blamed for my own suffering. What a blow! What a blow to my own ego! What happened to it's not me?! It's just the circumstances that I'm in... :(

I could continue being like this for a long, long time, but it's been far too long! Too long that I've got to put a stop on it! I'm FED UP! I'm @#$@#$@##@ FED UP! I'm finally coming to terms that I'm to be blamed. My past comes to haunt me... All my mistakes... They have suddenly come to an abrupt stop and are pilling up on me!

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Thank God there's grace... Grace that enables me to be as human as I am... Grace that says that we're allowed to be human...

BUT, conviction comes with a price. This isn't the end... There're sacrifices and with that comes suffering... BUT with grace, there is HOPE! Hope that I'm finally pointing my feet to the right direction! The direction to the destiny that God has for me! What other choices do I have?! I can't continue being the way I am... I'll end up a loner, beaten and full of regrets!

I'm leaving this life and I'll pull my 'sorry arse' through! I want to change!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


This speaks so much of our Malaysian police force... INCOMPETENT @#$%!

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*Taken from 01Aug06

Wow! 2 students slashed in the same area. 2 down... MORE to go! We, ordinary citizens should mount a man hunt for these pests... catch them, tie them onto the pole... and start slashing 'em body parts... Yea... back to the middle ages! BUT seriously thinking, what are to do to protect ourselves, if those idiots in the force cannot?! They're busy spying on couples and hiding in bushes so they can catch speeding vehicles?! okok... that may be a little unfair to compare to traffic policemen, but are those in the crime department doing any better?!!!!

What are those freaks in the force doing?! 1 case is not enough to require a tighter security in the SAME area?! KUDOS! Another person slashed... ordinary citizens are not allowed to carry weapons? Knives? Guns? I think I'd better arm myself with a Samurai sword the next time I ever venture out on foot! If not, a baseball bat would suffice.

Monday, July 31, 2006

What's freaking wrong with Malaysia today?!

That's it! Enough is enough! It seems crime doesn't pay! How many cases reported in newspapers get solved? Just the other day there was a report stating that a narcotics policeman gets averagely 10 new cases a DAY! 10 cases a day! And if anyone thought that being in the police force is as cool and sophisticated as CSI, you'd be kidding your freaking self! Just watch CSI and think for yourself... how long it takes for them to bust just one case! In Malaysia, we have at average 10 drug-related cases to a man! That's only drugs... what about SNATCH THIEF of KILLINGS or ROBBERY?! Do the maths and you should be damn frightened for your safety by then!

With all these happening, we still have to waste police efforts in busting petty offences?! Like having night raids in clubs that involves a whole 'battalion' of policemen?! or minding close proximity offences?! All those don't usually involve loss of lives... what about those increasing killings?! Increasing snatch thief cases that ends in death?! Snatch thieves carrying blades?! Are you freakin kidding me??? Still don't believe me? Just read just some of these cases I've retrieved from just a local Malaysian newspaper. Mind you, these are cases that are reported and made available to the media. God knows how HIGH the actual figure is!!!!

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It's FREE FOR ALL massacre in Malaysia!
...worse thing is, the authorities and people above us are minding cases involving mindless acts like the recent new city celebrations that originally required up 7.5 million of the tax payers' money!... then there's the sports facility in London requiring millions! Why allocate so much to not-so-important activities when we're neglecting our own safety?! PAK LAH - allocate more to the police force! Get rid of 'em creeps in the force! Pay them higher salaries, so we don't have to hear cases about receiving bribery etc! But... NO! NO!... it's those silly, mindless and totally absurd cases that take the bulk of the TAX payers' money! That's Malaysia! MALAYSIA BOLIH!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Would you believe me if I said... I'm FREE!

Would you believe me if I said that we are the ones who can make the change in the world today
Would you believe me if I said all of the dreams in your heart can come through today...

and if I had wings I would fly… and all that I need, you are and if the world caves in around me, to you I still hold on… coz you’re all I ever need

This is your life, with God inside, you won’t regret one moment of it
…and because of you... I’m FREE!

Friday, July 21, 2006

SCOFF! Wat??? Malaysian youths... ~sigh~ a registered voter, and have been for a few years now. Have a lot to voice out, especially about the country's political situation and decisions made. But let's get down to earth - Who in the right mind will take the youths (aged 30 and below) seriously?! WHO?! Sure there are efforts to encourage speaking up like through newspapers and certain bodies, but how effective are these? Take this comment now. It's nothing but a mere rant that'll go unnoticed. Do you seriously think that the PM or his assistants will be reading all these?!

It's the fact that the people up there do not take us seriously, or there's no proper channel to voice our opinions that's keeping people like me reserved. As a young Malaysian, I honestly feel helpless!

"You say that the young are the hope of the nation, but then you put so many restrictions and policies that in 'your' opinion would benefit us, but how far have you researched? It's not about asking the opinions of a selected or a handful of youths, but what about the vast majority of 'EVERYDAY' Malaysian youths?!"

Is our government really open?! You ask yourself that... Very often they say they are, they listen... but do they really?! Even to adults they don't! What more to say to the youths?! Where do everyday youths stand in society... Malaysian society??? And yet, we're supposed to be leaders of tomorrow???! Scoff!


Thursday, July 20, 2006

FREAK! 'Kissin in public unacceptable???'

I'm sad. Griefing and am utterly dismayed at the actions of a few retards... i.e. Former City Hall enforcement officer Md Nor Abd Manaf

This guy ought to be banished far away to places like Afghanistan or certain parts of Pakistan. He belongs there! Since when do we need Ke Po Chi (Hokkien for busy-body) people like him to raom around catching and summoning couples who hug, kiss or hold hands?! This is sickening! It's so stupid and freakin childish that no amount of words can describe this GILA (Malay term for crazy beyond repair) enforcement officer!

I think he's just a bad by-product of society! Probably this guy's failing to get attention from his wife that he's just freakin jealous when he sees couples showing affections! And for goddess sake! Have you ever wondered why he was there SPYING on couples in the 1st place? Trying to satisfy his sexual lusts?! I can't believe there are people like this in the enforcement unit!

For crying out loud! There are better things and more useful things to do like making sure of the safety of shoppers or visitors to our country. If this CLOWN were to use his 'superb' spying skills to prey on pick pockets we'd have fewer pick pockets in the city... KLCC for that matter! So many things to say, and the more I add, the more I feel like kicking this LAME, PERVERT in his nuts!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We Suck! WE SUCK!

Pulled over for petrol.. My day just got better! Saw the Malay Mail, and the biggest heading read WE SUCK! in bold...

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Read the full article here:
World Cup = Malaysia = FAM = WE SUCK! The writer highlighted almost all that needed to be said about the FAM and their silly rants and excuses why the Malaysian football team is and have been at the lowest of the lowest! Quit dreaming about going to the World Cup, Dato! Coz with people like 'em dumb VIPs up there, we can never ever progress!

I agree with Datuk Abdul Ghapur Salleh to kick all FAM existing staff and bring in the My Team people. Afterall, what have we to loose?! Imagine this, the FAM has been giving excuses after excuses, citing this and that... BUT the bottom line is Malaysian football has been going down the drain for years... and I mean YEARS! So stop blabbering and QUIT! No more chances!

For those who do not know, did you know the Malaysian football has ever qualified for the Olympics?! If you didn't know, I don't blame you, coz it was a long time ago! Why is that?! Coz FAM is a joke and a BIG flop... we're no 148 in the world! Even Ethiopia and North Korea are higher than us in standings! Hello... ETHIOPA for goodness sake! The country that was supposed to be one of the poorest countries in da world! And it's not just the standings that is the question, but Malaysia used to be able to beat teams like Japan! And look where we are at? Japan has been to the World Cup! Where is Malaysia?! We're going backwards! Kudos FAM! Thanks for bringing us backwards!

We Malaysians should just hold a peaceful demonstration holding banners to force those IDIOTS in FAM to quit NOW! Pressure them into quitting! That's the only way we can have a ray of hope in progressing! Imagine all these yeras, there have been critics about FAM and the media being involved, and yet it just dies after a while... and who wins? THE freak FAM! They manage to buldoze their way into staying in power and dictating the future of Malaysian football! This is too much! Kick them all out! Bring in the new and out with FOOTBAL POLITICS! Stay away, politics!

If anyone from FAM is reading this, I'm sorry to say, but all of you just SUCK BIG TIME! and it's high time you all left! It's ok to even disband FAM and start with a new body! Who gives a sh*t bout FAM or it's history?! They have not done anything worth mentioning!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sports Facilty in London?! Are you kidding???

The spirit gieves! WHY? Coz it's another splash of citizens' tax money. With all respect, all these ideas are good, but poor execution over the past years are unavoidable. It seems like a trend amongst new ministers in the Sports ministry. Look at the Bukit Jalil sports center. It was given high hopes; that it'll one day produce world-class athletes. But until today, it's only produced a handful. Was it worth the millions spent on it?! Building a new facility in London?! What's the true logic behind it all? It's not only that we'll have to spend more money flying athletes to and from London, but the cost of maintaining it in a high-cost city.

Look at countries like Trinidad and Tobago or Togo. Why are such almost 'little-heard' countries doing so much better than Malaysia? Even though I'd say compared to them we might have better facilities or if not on par. RM490 Million just for building the facility and I'd say a few hundred more million to keep the place running and coaches and all; is this the best that the ministry can come up with; with the high expectations of sports schools like Bukit Jalil sports facility and many others around Malaysia? We have to look at the mentality and go to the grass roots of the problem. If the cake is not good, if the flour used is bad, change it. Don't go put layers of icing/dressing on the cake in hoping that it'll taste good.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Two-faced... Liars???

He looks like a kind, gentle guy... soft spoken but when he goes out with a specific bunch of friends, he turns out to be a loud-mouth, take-no-prisoners kinda guy! He jokes and steals the conversation, pokes fun and frequently puts his friends down. When he goes back home, he reflects on his conversation and regrets a lot of what he's said. He gets frustrated with himself and he'd promise himself to control himself the next time. The next time comes around and he turns into a devil AGAIN! Why?! WHY?! WHY??? What's freakin wrong with him?! He tries to trace the root of the problem... could it be insecurities- fear of rejection... desperately wanting attention... maybe being rejected or bullied when he was young??? What could it be? He wonders and wonders and finally he blogs about it.............

*He wonders if there are any other people like him... at least he'll have comfort that he's not a freak...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Spirit deliverance....

Possessed. Heard or seen anyone being possessed by spirits? Isn't it fascinating? It's a time when the spirit world colides with our earthly world... Have you wondered how it happens? And one thing that puzzles me is how is it that many religions and faiths that have their way of casting out /dealing with the spirits. I've seen a muslim man of faith casting out spirits and I've seen christians doing the same. How is it so? Do these spirits fear just about any religion in this world? Eerieee... but yet intriguing! Please share your thoughts/real life stories.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

D.Day.the.Spirit.befalls. A tribute to the reality of Hell

...on your dying bed, as your vision blurs, you feel the last stroke of breathe slowly and preciously leaving your lungs and then... it's total darkness. in your confusion, you are surprised you are still conscious! Am I dead?! But why can I hear things, why can I hear my wife and children weaping? I want to tell them not to worry, but words cannot seem to materialize. Then you feel your body floating out of your own body... you can see your soul lifting. There's more to death than you ever thought or the movie's ever shown. Am I going to hell? or heaven? Is there a hell? @$%^$%&%^*&^( curse after curse uttered, as it suddenly HIT you that there was a possibility of you not ever going to heaven but to hell... what is hell?! Still a myth? I assure you, it's as real as you'd ever wished it to be...

"The torments of the damned shall last forever and ever. They are everlasting just as are the joys of heaven. Of Judas Christ says: "it were better for him, if that man had not been born". But this would not have been true if Judas was ever to be released from hell and admitted to eternal happiness. Again, God says of the damned: "Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched". The fire of hell is repeatedly called eternal and unquenchable. The wrath of God abideth on the damned; they are vessels of Divine wrath; they shall not possess the Kingdom of God..."